Saturday, December 22, 2007

People we meet

In this ministry of running a Guest House, we meet people with very interesting stories. We like to hear their stories so that we can pray for them in their specific needs. One such guest, Laura, has been with us for several days at the Guest House. She has come from the States hoping to adopt a Zambian orphan. We have been following Laura's story for some time and praying for her each day. Praise God this week she got the final word that the baby, Sophie, is now hers. She still needs to complete some necessary paperwork, so we ask for your prayers as well.
We had the privilege of babysitting Sophie the other day while Laura was at court. She is a precious child with a bright future ahead of her. Sophie (her new name) was a twin at birth, but her sibling and her mother died during delivery. The umbilical cord was wrapped around Sophie's leg, so the doctors had to amputate her leg from the knee down. This does not stop her spirit, though. Laura has made arrangements in the States for an artificial leg for Sophie.
Please continue to pray for Laura and Sophie as they finish work in Lusaka and make their journey back to the States.

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