Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tache House Ministry

Tache House is a place where about 16 kids ages 8-16 years old live with their Auntie Elizabeth. Most of them attend school during the day, and then they come back to the Tache House where Elizabth takes care of them. Today, the kids and I joined our youth group for a ministry time there. We all brought activities to do with the kids. First, we played this game of passing a box with a note on it. While the music played, you passed the box, like a hot potato. Once the music stopped, if you were holding the box (or present), then you must unwrap one layer and read the instructions. It was hilarious! The funniest was Brandon trying to do ballet. Here are some pics from his debut performance:

Then, we broke up into groups of activities. Kelsey & Hannah had planned a coloring activity for the smaller ones, and then they wanted to paint fingernails, but only one brave soul was willing. Callie Shaw, Johanna Blonde, and Holli Ann Johnson got together a group to play a game of cards. Catherine Blonde and Kelsey Craig taught a cooking class on baking cookies. The boys stayed outside playing soccer.

I became the official photographer of the youth group outings, so this is why I am not in any pictures.

After all of the fun, we sat down for a devotion time, reading Hosea 7: 8-16, where we learned that spending a lot of time with our friends is good, but we must make sure our friends are the right ones we should be imitating. Our friends' habits can sometimes change our attitudes and actions, and God reminds us that we need His direction in our life for happiness and fulfillment. Only God can truly satisfy the deep longings of your soul.

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