Friday, April 18, 2008

Cropping Ladies Group

Our days were filled with a ladies Bible study, hut-to-hut evangelism, and meeting with the leaders of Cropping Baptist Church.

Kelsey and I attended the ladies group where Lee Shaw, a fellow missionary, presented the Creation to Christ story. There were approximately 8-10 ladies, plus lots of children. Four women sang for the group, babies attached and all.

Kelsey and I took on the duty of keeping the kids occupied while their mothers listened. This one little fellow, Andre, took a liking to me, but he didn't want to be held for too long. He enjoyed getting down in the dirt and crawling. I would guess he was 8-9 months old cause he couldn't quite walk yet. As he was crawling around underneath me, he noticed my red toenails, and he was quite mesmerized.

I had told Kelsey that we might play some games with the kids while the women were learning. At first, I thought it may be a distraction more than a help to take the kids to the side. But Kelsey was determined to play with the kids. She went to the car and picked out her Disney Princess book. I told her to go around the outside of the hut so the women would not be distracted. Soon the other kids found her and they began looking at the pictures in the book. I sat down and began talking with the children about the things they were seeing in the book. Many of them just wanted to speak English, so we were pointing to items in the book, and I would say the English and they would repeat. Then, they would teach me the word in their language (Chinyanja).

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