When we first thought about coming to Zambia, we wondered how similar the grocery stores would be compared to the US. We were very surprised that the two main grocery chains are very well stocked. Yes, there are times when you can't find a certain ingredient for a particular recipe, but all in all the grocery stores here have what we need. BUT, with the exchange rate of 3400 Kwacha to 1 US dollar, things can be quite expensive. I've been saying this to many people, and so now I have some pictures to prove it. I looked quite funny carrying a camera into the grocery store, so I only took a few pictures of what I thought you'd be interested to know. Kelsey got to push the miniature shopping cart around, so she was happy! I really don't see how our other missionary families survive out in the rural areas without Spar or Shoprite. They have to stock up soooo much when they come into Lusaka. We are lucky that we can just drive to the grocery whenever we are out of something. We are very thankful many days to have this convenience.

Long Life Milk (in a box) - $1.09 (500ml) We have cold milk in the half-gallon size, but it spoils really fast.

30 eggs in a crate (notice how they do not require refrigeration) - $5.72 for 30

Rice Krispies - $4.96 per box
Zambia Brand Cereals - $4.41 per box

Corn Flakes (the cheapest cereal) - $2.56/box

Pillsbury Cake Mix - $8.03/box
Pillsbury Muffin Mix - $9/box

Nesquik Chocolate or Strawberry Flavor - $5.19 (500G)
Ketchup (375ml) - $3.02
Miracle Whip Mayo (normal jar size) - $7.21

Eet-Sum-Mor (cracker/cookie) - $1.82 (best price for snack food)Taco Shells (12) - $6.43
Taco dinner (includes 12 shells, sauce, seasoning) - $9.93
Baked Beans (Spar Brand) - $1.34 per can
Raid Insect Killer - $2.59
DOOM (Zambian Insect Killer) - $4.15
JIK (aka Bleach) - $1.62 (500ml)
OMO (washing powder) - $2.40 (500g) or $5.04 (1kg)
Handy Andy (all-purpose cleaner) - $2.15
Snickers Candy Bar - $1.21
Snickers Minis - $3.85/bag
Skittles - $1.21 (40g bag)
Peanut M&Ms - $1.56 (45g bag)
Doritos - $2.04 per bag
Lays Chips - $2.19 per bag
Lays Stax - $4.91 per can
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