Friday, August 15, 2008

Fishing on the Kafue River

Our first morning after breakfast we decided to take a fishing adventure. Our guides, Mike and Morris, were very patient with us. We would ride until we found a good bank to pull up on. Even though the hippos would be snorting nearby, we just kept on fishing. Mike was pulling up to one bank and a croc slipped into the water right where we were pulling into. We asked, "Are you sure this is safe to be fishing right here where this croc was?" He said, "No problem!" I tended to wait until I saw the croc was all the way across the river before I got out of the boat.

Coby was the first to catch a fish. He is always that lucky! He caught a small bream. He was very excited. Then, at the last place we stopped, I decided to try my hand at fishing, and, what do you know, I caught something! It was a small silver catfish. I was happy, but I tried not to be too excited since some others had not had better luck. Ricky says after I caught my fish, I began giving advice to everyone. I don't think I was "giving advice" but I was making some observations.

We stayed out fishing all morning, and upon our return we saw this male elephant on one of the islands taking a dust bath. This ended up being our only elephant we saw on this trip.

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