We were not looking forward to camping for 10 days without running water and electricity - (Spoiled Americans), but we survived and had fun doing it. It has been a long time since any of us camped, but having the kids and our missionary friends there with us, made it worth remembering. Kelsey learned how to carry buckets on her head, just like the Zambian women do everyday.

Niki & Austin received bow lessons from Uncle Jack. Maybe one day we will use what we learned to kill a zebra or impala. Niki & Kelsey learned how to cook from scratch.

Petauke was a rural place, but it was also a beautiful place where we met many friendly people. The people of Zambia are so friendly and open to talk with you. It was an experience that we will never forget. We were taken out of our comfort zone and put into a place of unknown surroundings, but God gave us the strength to survive. There were times of struggle with sickness and culture shock, however, those were minimal to the rewards and the knowledge we received in learning the African culture.

Camp life was definitely challenging, but we now see the end result of living in situations very similar to our people group so that we can be better witnesses to them.

God is working amongst the Zambian people, and Satan is fighting in ways most of Americans would not believe. We were introduced to some of the spiritual warfare that is taking place in Africa. Despite the negative that we see in Africa - the poverty, the uneducated, the lostness - Zambia is a very beautiful country. We are privileged to be here doing God's work, and we have a wonderful team of missionaries to work alongside.

We have already learned from many veteran missionaries and pray that we will be life-long learners during our term in Zambia.

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