During our 40/40 training we had the unique opportunity to experience a few animals. Our directors of 40/40 brought their cat, Domino, with them to Petauke and on to Ibis Gardens. The kids gave her a nickname, Boss, because she was the boss of all the kids.
Also at camp, we had 2 dogs that hung around and played with the kids. Coby really loves animals so this was a fun time for him.
There are many blue-headed lizards that roam around Zambia which are poisonous, but they usually are scared to get close to humans. The lizards stay in the trees and Coby & Austin enjoyed trying to catch one, but the lizards were too fast, thankfully.
There are scorpions also which are poisonous. The boys killed one at our campsite in Petauke.
Also, in Petauke one of the journey girls was walking down the path to the potty when a snake crawled in front of her. She screamed and one of the night guards came to the rescue by killing it with a metal pipe. From that moment on, we became very cautious when walking in the dark. After we left the campsite to go to our homestay, the staff began taking down our tents, and guess what they found underneath our tent that we had stayed in for 10 days? 4 Snakes! I had been telling Ricky that when I layed on my foam mattress at night, that I felt something crawling underneath me and I felt a vibration as well. He thought I was losing my mind, until we got the news about the snake family living under our tent. Thankfully, they were non-poisonous, but nonetheless, I hate snakes!
Because we were staying on a farm in Petauke, there were cows that frequently traveled through our campsite.
One day, Kelsey got to ride in the cart pulled by the cows. And finally, the Zambians hunted down a wild pig for us to roast. It was very good!!
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