Saturday, Dec. 8th was Hannah's birthday, so we all went to the Croc Farm to celebrate. We also celebrated with Daniel Shaw and his family. The girls (Hannah, Kelsey, and Dorcas) enjoyed playing in the pool, on the swings, and the trampoline. Some of us had Croc burgers for lunch, but some of us had beef burgers. The boys enjoyed looking at the snakes and even holding a python. This was the kids second time at the farm, but Ricky and I had never been so we got the full tour of all the crocs, snakes, and beautiful surroundings. We had fun just hanging out with our mission family.
On Sunday, Dec. 9th we went to Chongwe (where the Rodgers live), and visited a church. We first went to see Justina Mwachimota who works with the Rodgers on the Eastern Harvest Team. Amai Mwachimota was featured in a 2001 Mission Mosaic article, and one of our friends, Barbara, from Alabama had been praying for Justina since that article. I was able to deliver a message to Justina from Barbara and she was very happy.
The church we attended had a special engagement service for a couple in the church. This was a new experience for us. It was set up similar to a wedding ceremony, except that the couple was only getting engaged. The parents of the man and the parents of the woman stood at the front of the church in support of the couple. The pastor asked the couple to vocalize their intent of one day getting married by saying "I do." The man gave the woman an engagement ring, flowers were presented, and many people celebrated by shouts of joy. This ceremony of committment to each other in front of the church family revealed a lot about the African culture. The church will help support this couple as they counsel with the pastor and remain faithful and true until the wedding day.
During the church service I noticed a familiar face. It was Kabinga, my Zambian assistant during 40/40. He was attending the church of his friend who was getting engaged. Kabinga's brother is also the pastor of the church. It was good to talk with him and catch up since 40/40. We hope to visit his church in Chongwe as well - it is a sister church of his brothers.
The afternoon was spent eating lunch with the Rodgers and just getting to know one another. The boys enjoyed taking a hike with Justin down to the Chongwe River, and they caught 2 baby fish... which ended up in the car back to Lusaka. Kelsey enjoyed playing with Hannah and looks forward to spending the night with her soon.