After our trip to Livingstone, the following day Ricky, Dad, and Randy Greenwood flew to Namwala to work on a mission house. Dad had never flown on a small plane before, so this was a first for him. Once they arrived, they surveyed the work to be completed that day. They were able to build one door to a closet and two closets in the bathroom and hallway. Now we all know that it was probably difficult for Wyman not to have all his tools there with him, so this was an experience in itself! They stayed all day and flew back before dark. On the way home, the pilot flew over the Kafue Flats and they were able to see hundreds of animals, mostly impala, zebra, lechwe, hippo, and crocodiles. It was too hard to get good pictures from the plane.
The Namwala house (below)

Bedroom closet fixed
Bathroom closet before...
Bathroom closet after...
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