Each day we were given a daily assignment to go out into the communities and ask questions of the people to understand more about the African culture. Before doing the assignments it was always a feeling of "why?", but after doing these in the urban city of Lusaka, and then in the rural area of Petauke, it was well worth it. We learned so much about the culture that we would not have learned just going into our job first.

We are so thankful for a regional leader who truly has a heart and passion for this program. Now, each day was challenging, but we came out with an abundance of knowledge and national friends we hope to have for a lifetime. Ricky & Janet worked with Ivy (middle in the picture) in Lusaka doing their DFA's, and

Niki & Michael worked as a team mostly in the community of Baulini. The picture of Niki & Michael is with one of our Zambian friends in Lusaka in the community of Baulini. She attends Baulini Baptist Church. In Petauke, Ricky and Niki worked together as a team with our Zambian assistant, Iwell. He is a pastor, husband, and father of 4 daughters and a baby on the way. He has a radio ministry also.

Many of the villages we visited in Petauke were mud huts with thatched roofs. One day Ricky and Niki came upon a group of ladies shelling ground nuts (ie. peanuts) under a tree, so we stopped to talk with them and

they asked us to help them.

They were impressed with our shelling skills, but they commented that we were slow.

Every day we rode into the town (or "boma") on a flat bed truck.

It was definitely cooler than on the minibuses in Lusaka. Many people sold coal on the side of the road. This is how they cooked in the villages because most did not have electricity.

Sometimes you would see a person on a bicycle carrying 2 or 3 bags of coal - that was a BIG load to carry.